2 artists
2 techniques
I wanted to know about Korea before the split of south and north koreas. I learned that Korea was shamanistic(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_shamanism). Korea is unique because of the way it mixes things together rather than leaving one thing for the next. An example of this is how shamanistic Korea mixed Buddhism with Shamanism rather than changing to Buddhism altogether. It is not uncommon to see a shamanstic god in a buddha shrine in Korea. Korea also embraced other prevalant beliefs of asia and mixed it, such as the three legged crow who symbolizes the sun.
Jeong Seon(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeong_Seon)
Yin Yi-Qiu(http://www.orientaloutpost.com/proddetail.php?prod=1ts-wz)
Wash (for background/sunrise-looking effect)
In old and still some modern korean paintings there is no color in the background. I used color for the sky in my picture.